Families often ask what student work should be kept at the end of the year.
Questions to consider when choosing what to preserve:
1. Does it show growth? Writing assignments lend themselves to showing excellent growth over time. Identify one writing activity from each quarter. It can be from any subject matter, not only composition.
2. Is it a child’s treasured piece? Was there a particular project, such as a piece of art or a research paper that your student showed a great deal of pride? A simple poem or accomplishment in math may be important to your student as well.
3. Is there variety in the work samples, to show a glimpse of each subject where learning took place?
Storage and Consolidation – choose a plastic box, under the bed OR a flat box to accommodate various sizes.. Students might host a “Year End Extravaganza” and display work to share with family members. If you wanted to pare down the paperwork, take pictures and make a booklet through a photograph company, such as Shutterfly, for a keepsake. Some examples from the Container Store can be found HERE Reflecting on the year by reviewing work samples together will be a memory maker in itself!