What Should I Look for in a Curriculum?
When reviewing the curriculum, it will be helpful to consider the following:
1. Type of Curriculum – textbook vs. literature based – Each are beneficial, what is best for your student?
2. Layout of Curriculum – daily plan vs. number of days/lesson – Do you benefit from a daily guide? Or are you comfortable with a curriculum driven plan?
3. What online resources/supplemental resources are available?
Example: Math Solution Guides for upper Grades. Printed or online lesson guides.
4. What is my first impression of the curriculum? Books, teaching guides, additional kits/resources.
Share with your student, if age appropriate and ask for their feedback.
5. There is no perfect curriculum, it is helpful to consider that curriculum is a framework to guide student learning.
6. The MVPS Teacher will explore the options with you, bring great questions to your Family Conference!
BookShark (K-8 Available)
BookShark is a complete, literature based Program. Designed to provide a rich experience with History, the curriculum walks students through specific time periods with interwoven lessons to include literature, language arts, and science.